Building Biology #1 - 5G and Radiofrequency Radiation (RF)

Building Biology is the buzz at the moment. Ever since we created our own indoor existence and cut ourselves off from nature for the sake of comfort, we began seeking more and more comforts. Since most of us live in houses or apartments these days and are exposed to artificial light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, it is essential our brains, hearts and nervous systems are safe. This is where Building Biology comes in.

A building biologist aims to measure and detect harmful electromagnetic fields in your home environment. they then offer remediation services and products to ensure as little harmful radiation is affecting you and your family whislt your at home. They’ll likely even provide you with tips of how to protect yourself when your out and about. No doubt you will learn a great deal and discover some pretty scary truths along the way. I certainly encourage you to Google search a local Building Biologist to check and remediate anyone’s home environment.

Now, for those who hear the term EMF fly around, what are we actually talking about here!?

It is important to distinguish between native and non-native electromagnetic fields. Native EMF’s are generated naturally by nature and are generally helpful to human health. Non-native EMF’s (nnEMF’s) are generally disruptive to biologic systems.

Non-native EMF’s like those emitted from power transmission lines, WiFi routers or our cell phones are hormetic stressors on the body. But how much hormesis is too much? All radiation, including microwave/RF on the electromagnetic spectrum is classified as hermetic stress for the body. Hermetic stress, or hormesis, is a controlled, acute stress that can trigger a healthy adaptive response, also known as hormesis. It can be thought of as the good kind of stress. Hormesis involves a small stress stimulus can result in a single or double stranded DNA break which stimulates repair. This repair increases the fidelity of the signal. The reason we are built like this is because we are designed to be hermetic to solar radiation between 250nm - 760nm (UV, Vis, IR), not nnEMF. Sunlight hermetic stress is the stimulus we use and need to run the software which sits upon our RNA/DNA hardware. Outside of 250nm – 760nm is where hormesis stops being a good thing and pathology theoretically begins. 250nm to 760nm is almost always good hermetic stimuli. Anything outside this range is usually too much hermetic stress.

Non-native EMF’s = Stress

nnEMF’s are a biological stressor. Powerlines EMF’s are biological stressors. It is well established that chronic exposure to stressors promotes disease because it taxes the bodies adaptive capacity. EMF’s are linked to stress. The idea is that when you are exposed to fields, it taxes the ability of your immune system to deal with the myriad of other factors in the environment and so your chance of getting sick is increased. EMF’s can affect the bodies chemistry. It affects circadian rhythm, hormone production in glands, fertility, blood issues and even cancer. The scientist Galvani proved that within animals there was electricity. There is an electrical control system in the body, which external EMF’s can influence and produce stress. Stress can cause disease.

In Australia, The Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA) is the regulator of RF safety in Australia. The ACMA selected the APANSA standards to govern Australia’s RF exposure. The APANSA standards are the loosest standards in the world, allowing very high levels of RF radiation in our local communities. The ACMA’s remuneration increases as the exposure increases. Thus, RF emissions in Australia are highly dangerous for humans and will continue to be unless the standards change. APANSA do not have any medical staff informing their standards, just engineers.

  • International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) are the risk manager regulators (insurance) identifying where there might be risks.

  • International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are the larget global standard for wireless radiation and used by the WHO in their recommendations.Non-ionising radiation doesn’t have enough energy to excite electrons to jump valence shells. So, one would think it doesn’t damage DNA. False. The alien microwave/RF radiation produces ROS which signals the damage of DNA. So oxidative stress is what occurs from non-ionising radiation.

Studies show risks of RF exposure on Brain Tumour incidence:

  • The higher the cumulative hours of phone use, the higher the risk of brain tumours.

  • The longer the time from which you begin using the mobile phone the higher the risk of brain tumours.

  • The higher the power output, the higher the risk of brain tumours. Exposure in weak signal areas results in higher power output of the device (10 minutes in a rural area at 3x exposure vs 10 minutes with less power exposure but more ambient normal exposure) = trade-off.

  • The younger you are the higher your risk. Adolescence and children are not meant to use this technology.

5G is here, 6G will be next and 7G is already being applied in the military. This RF radiation exposure is only going up and its never been more of an important time to protect yourself and your family.

Stay safe out there and remember turning your WiFi router off at night is a much better solution than spending exorbitant amounts of money to shield your bedroom.


P>S. Here are some helpful links you can share with the people your living with so they take you seriously when you ask to turn the WiFi off and complain when you always put your phone on flight mode.

Scientific Research on RF Exposure Safety

Radiofrequency Radiation (RF) can break DNA bonds. DNA is coiled and RF twist bonds in the body. When these bonds are coiled further one way or uncoiled the other way, this becomes a huge driver for disease. This is the Number 1 way Autophagy is broken in the body.

Studies showing harmful effects of RF:

National Toxicology Program Study on harmful effects of cell phone radiation

RF reduction harmful effects on sperm count and motility

2.45Ghz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth harmful effects

Harmful effects of cell phones

5G millimetre waves produce deeply penetrating effects

Cell membrane dehydration is induced by 53-78 Ghz RF radiation

World Renowned RF Researchers and Organisations

Nathan SilesEMFComment