The Global Experiment #6 - Vitamin D and COVID-19

In today’s blog we will cover:

  • How to recover from long COVID.

  • Why Vitamin D and Vitamin C are so important for our immune system

We begin again the blog in this series as always, with a reminder about viruses. If you are still afraid of viruses, it's time to stop misunderstanding them. Viruses are necessary for us to make new genes. Nature has told us that viruses are good. We are designed to assimilate them. Human DNA is made of 98% HERV-1 retroviruses. Viruses are not bad. Do you want nature to program your DNA or man?

We were told that the MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) diploid cell culture line was just used in the testing of the injections effectiveness on human cells and that none of it made the ingredient list of the injections. From numerous researchers investigating the ingredients of the various COVID-19 injections it may have been included. MRC-5 cells are from fibroblasts, originally developed from the lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male fetus. The cell line was isolated by J.P. Jacobs and colleagues in September 1966 from the seventh population doubling of the original strain. Ever wonder why the Pfizer injection needed to be kept at very low temperatures? Well MRC-5 is required to be kept at very low temperatures in order to keep it stable to work effectively as an adjuvent upon injection delivery. Either way, this has been enough evidence for religious exemptions to be granted. Furthermore, now that federally in the USA abortion is illegal, it is quite shocking that a human life was ended and had it’s consent made up for it by others to be used in this way for medical testing.

Let’s remember one of the testing ingredients in the annual flu injections is Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. That is a kidney cell obtained from a dog, poisoned and tested on for medical research. Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells are susceptible to viral infection, including influenza serotypes. Therefore, MDCK cell cultures are increasingly in demand for use in the research and development of new influenza vaccine candidates for human use. 4Cell® MDCK CD is designed to support MDCK cell growth and influenza virus expansion in both research and manufacturing.

There are still many mystery ingredients and untold mystery effects to come as a result of these injections. Some of the most worrying of which are fertility issues and numerous autoimmune conditions popping up in the vaccinated population. Is it any wonder that Pfizer is also the manufacturer of the famous Viagra which works on the excitation melanopsin photoreceptors of the body. Problem (blue light toxicity leading to infertility), Reaction (an mRNA injection which destroys the ACE2 receptors in the testes and ovaries), Solution (Buy more Viagra and other pharmaceuticals). Also, Bill Gates who is behind the Moderna mRNA injection is also one of the largest donors of male contraception drugs. Would you take a contraceptive pill as a man if it was funded by Bill Gates? I certainly won’t….

Recovering from Long-Covid-19

The severity in which you will be affected by COVID will likely depend on your baseline Vitamin D levels.

The long terms effects of long-Covid may include: respiratory symptoms, mood, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain or tightness; problems with memory and concentration; changes to taste and smell, and others.

Vitamin C has been used in some Hospitals to treat and manage Covid-19 (e.g Shanghai).

Vitamin C prevents the cytokine surge damaging the lungs. Vitamin C eliminates alveolar fluid by preventing the activation and accumulation of neutrophils, special white blood cells.

Vitamin D is linked to the immune system and low levels correlate with susceptibility to viral and respiratory infections.   It is the essential vitamin in the prevention and protection of Corona viruses.

The NIIM International Alliance Study of Therapies to prevent progression of COVID-19, a randomized trial – Turkey, has released Stage 1 findings showing –

  • 97% of hospitalised patients testing positive to COVID-19 were Vitamin D deficient (below 50)

  • None of the 237 hospitalised patients in the study had optimal Vitamin D levels (above 75).

  • Severely Vitamin D deficient (55%) correlated to increased prevalence of ICU admittance, and longer hospital stays.

  • All but one patient (99.6%; n = 236/237) treated with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Azithromycin (AZM), and Zinc with or without high-dose IV vitamin C (IVC) fully recovered.


  1. Zinc directly inhibits viral replication.  Zinc affects multiple aspects of the immune system and in many other chronic illnesses.

  2. Licorice Root, powerful antiviral activity.

  3. Quercetin, which has antiviral effects against influenza and coronavirus, and DNA viruses (e.g., herpesvirus). Quercetin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, modulating signalling pathways that are associated with post-transcriptional modulators affecting post-viral healing.

  4. Ginger, compounds in ginger root have potent anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Ginger has proven antibacterial and antiviral properties.

  5. Tumeric, contains curcumin which is the active ingredient.  It is highly anti-inflammatory and helps bolster the immune system by increasing the immune-modulating capacity of the body.

  6. Immune system minerals which include: zinc, iron, copper and selenium.


  1. Foods with immune boosting, antiviral properties such as anti-inflammatory foods like oily fish rich in Omega 3.

  2. Immune boosting foods such as onion family, garlic, ginger and curcumin.

  3. Vegetables, especially cruciferous, dark leafy greens, capsicums, beetroots, sweet potato, tomatoes, avocados, berries, citrus fruits, papaya, pomegranate, and mushroom family.

  4. Seeds and nuts except cashews and peanuts.

  5. Herbs such as cardamom, cinnamon, rosemary and blackberries.  Dark Chocolate/Cocao. Olive oil.

  6. Summary:

It’s important to note that these studies are based upon 25 hydroxy Vitamin D deficency. This is the storage form and does not tell us the active D in the living system (1_25 dihydroxy vitamin D). This active D is usually high when the storage D is low. So it would be much more useful to study 1_25 dihydroxy vitamin D and its association to COVID19. However, no such study has been done, so for now the storage form of Vitamin D is what we will use because it’s at least somewhat relevant.

If you have a 25 Hysroxy Vitamin D below 50 nmol/l then you are much more likley to experience long COVID, have more severe symptoms and end up in the ICU. The best sources of Vitamin D are from full spectrum sunlight exposure when the sun is above 30 degrees from the horizon. And eating wild caught seafood from cold and deep water regions.

The best sources of Vitmain C are from whole foods like Kakadu Plum or Camu Camu.

Supplements are meant to be used in addition to a diet where the availability of nutrient dense or electron dense food is inadequate. They are not a supplement for eating real food or drinking unfluroidated and deuterium depleted water.

Improve the functioining of your innate and adaptive imune system whilst improving the redox potential of your mitochondria and your health resilliance and robustness will be dramatically improved protecting you from most harmful invaders.

See you at sunrise everyone!

In case anyone still believes in the magic 'virus'…

  • "Based on currently available data, neither absence nor presence of signs or symptoms are accurate enough to rule in or rule out COVID-19"

  • Cite:

We have been sold a reality that is fake, fuelled by agendas hiding behind propaganda. It’s time you choose your own reality with those around you. Propaganda and marketing are twin siblings, be careful what you believe and comply to just because others are complying. Keep questioning the current narrative and reality. Don’t be afraid of questioning and search for anyone who has the answer.


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