The Global Experiment #4 - Do Not Comply
In this blog:
A recap of where we are at in The Great Experiment
6 new pieces of evidence about The Great Experiment currently going on
Some wise words
In the highest vaccinated countries on Earth, Israel, Denmark, France and Australia just today, approximately 1% of the countries population tested positive for Coronavirus. In a single day. Israel had more coronavirus infections in the last week than in all of 2020, before it began mass mRNA Covid vaccinations.
We begin again the blog in this series as always, with a reminder about viruses. If you are still afraid of viruses, it's time to stop misunderstanding them. Viruses are necessary for us to make new genes. Nature has told us that viruses are good. We are designed to assimilate them. Human DNA is made of 98% HERV-1 retroviruses. Viruses are not bad. Do you want nature to program your DNA ore man?
So far in the series we have determined:
The economic warfare and psychological warfare are just as powerful as the biological warfare going on with these injections. The economic reset is being implemented in the background. Whilst they are stealing your time, income and assets, don’t let them steal your health too. If you aren’t awake yet… Wakey wakey…
We must stop vaccine passports and use cash to stop digital technocracy and the destruction of privacy. 22 ways to Stop Vaccine Passports
That children are being experimented on because parents are operating from a false belief. Homocysteine and D Dimer tests have become critical for understanding risks of severe COVID-19 infection. The mRNA injections are far more dangerous than most want to believe. Deaths have increased as the vaccine rollout has gone on. Adverse events continue to increase among young healthy individuals. PCR Testing is useless. Stop focusing on testing and look at deaths and adverse events. Stop fearing a virus that has an extremely high survival rate. The longer one remains in the control group, the more evidence manifests that supports the decision to avoid the experimental group.
Adverse Events continue to rise: At many hospitals, the number of patients reported to have post-vaccine injuries rose five-fold or more after Covid vaccines were introduced in December 2020, medical records databases show.
Fear is at all-time highs, being peddled by One World Marketing Campaigns (Central Banks + Old Media + Governments + Pharmaceutical Companies). Governments are scrambling trying to save face. Internal conflicts are going on everywhere in the ruling elite.
Global economies are being artificially propped up as many wait for an economic disaster. Supply chains are still restricted, and food and energy shortages are rampant in Australasia, Europe, the Americas and the Middle East. Civil unrest is occurring in countries all over the world with a protest/rally/march going on daily around the world for freedom form draconian government control. You cannot live in a free society when the majority of people within the society do not want to be free. Governments are targeting indigenous populations for forced injection, destroying their culture and way of life.
‘Viroliegy’ are exposing the lies of Germ Theory and virology using their own sources:
"We have a rushed mass vaccination campaign for an experimental mRNA gene therapy that began while “in season” on a large-scale population with limited safety/efficacy data. Reports from VAERS are proving that the “vaccines” themselves are highly dangerous. Warning labels have already been added to the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and AstraZeneca vaccines for serious and potentially lethal reactions such as anaphylaxis, blood clots, myocarditis, and Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Meanwhile, like the Polio “virus” before it, there is no purified/isolated “SARS-COV-2” proven pathogenic causing disease. Unknown toxins are being haphazardly injected into an ignorant population that has been subjected to a successful FEAR campaign bolstered by inaccurate PCR results. What potential horrors await those injected once we look back at this event a few years down the road?”
Asymptomatic Transmission is false as Mike Yeadon tells us.
We vaccinated 4 billion people… and you’ll never BELIEVE what happened next. Daily Covid infections worldwide since the epidemic began:. Just imagine how bad things would be if we DIDN’T have vaccines they say…
Three key questions to ask yourself as February 2022 approaches:
1) Why do any businesses need proof of the so-called “vaccine” from a person who may or may not have received it, when the CDC Director has repeatedly stated that the Covid jab doesn’t stop transmission? So what do these vaccine ID passports do, other than control your access and spending?
2) Why are we being told that this is a deadly virus that only a “vaccine” can save you from, when the Covid-19 cases and deaths increased in 2021 AFTER 62% of people in the U.S. received the jab?
3) Why are we being told that Omicron is a scary, much worse variant than Covid itself when it only differs by .3%, meaning it’s not a “variant” at all, and is nearly identical to Covid, but with much less symptoms. Yet, mayors across the country are using Omicron as the reason to (illegally) mandate restaurants, entertainment venues, and gyms to turn away patrons unless they can show proof of the jab or a negative test? And let’s remember, those that have received the jab can still transmit Covid.
As the science changes we have a duty to ourselves, our families, communities and country to keep up. Here are some important new updates:
New Evidence #1: PCR Testing is flawed like the creator, Kary Mullis told us before he died.
PCR tests can pick up anything if they want to. Cycles can be turned up and down based on incentives. The science now shows that they are useless at distinguishing between Influenza and COVID-19. Ever wonder why the flu disappeared from the stats?
Trust science when science comes from a trustworthy source. Question science when there are conflicts of interest, manipulated data, rushed trials, silenced doctors, suppressed alternatives. Blind trust is compliance. Investigating and questioning is part of the scientific method. Yet Fauci is telling you to trust him, the centralized controller. When an MD tells you that their way of treatment is the only way, this should be grounds for questioning his opinion. The utterance of this tells you they are a human rights criminal. Science is always evolving with data. What we believe today, is not what we will believe in 10 years.
Stop testing and the pandemic will be over. COVID-19 pandemic is over when you believe it is.
Cite: CDC withdraws Support for PCR Test
A new study has shown us that mRNA from the Pfizer and Moderna shots can be found in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection. Free-floating spike proteins circulate at high levels in the blood after vaccination. Vaccinated people infected with variants of Sars-Cov-2 produce antibodies biased toward the original and now extinct variant - rather than the one that has actually infected them.
New Evidence #2: The risk of illness and death from covid is highest immediately after taking the first dose of the vaccine.
Stunning figures from Canada show a huge spike in cases after vaccinations; to the Centres for Disease Control and the media, all these deaths are occurring in the "unvaccinated."
The Covid vaccines look worse and worse as the science continues to come out.
The most likely explanation for the spike was and remains that the first dose of the vaccines transiently suppresses the immune system, as Pfizer’s own clinical trial data reveal.
But no need to worry, vaccine companies. Under the counting rules used by American public health authorities and media outlets, all these deaths and infections are counted and reported as having occurred in unvaccinated people.
New Evidence #3: WHO says Boosters are unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable
Now the World Health Organization has waved the white flag on Covid vaccine boosters too.
WHO released a statement about Covid vaccines yesterday. It’s filled with the usual public health jargon and ass-covering, but one line stands out:
“A vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.” WHO
Aside from a few unlucky Israelis, no one is going to receive a fourth dose of the original vaccine; everyone with eyes can see it doesn’t work against Omicron. (And if you haven’t gotten a third dose, at this point, why would you? You are getting at most weeks of marginally improved protection for potentially severe side effects.)
Instead, the WHO is now promising/demanding vaccines based on whatever the dominant Sars-Cov-2 strain is at the moment.
That promise is as empty as all the others that the health bureaucrats and vaccine companies have made.
At least five major variants (“variants of concern”) have developed in the last year, and two have become globally dominant. Even the mRNA vaccines cannot be cooked up and delivered fast enough to match whatever strain of virus becomes dominant. Covid is faster than the scientists.
At most, future Covid vaccinations will look a lot like current influenza vaccinations (and NOT the other way around). They’ll be cooked up annually and handed out at the beginning of the winter season. They won’t do much, and no one will expect them to.
Except when it comes to Covid, the WHO doesn’t want those vaccines either.
It explicitly said in the statement that future vaccines against Covid must “be more effective in protection against infection thus lowering community transmission.”
Two huge points hidden in those 11 words:
First, they are inherently a devastating critique of the current failure of Covid vaccines to work as promised.
Second, the WHO does NOT apply that standard to flu vaccines, which do not and are not expected to stop community transmission. Why demand more of Covid vaccines? The only honest answer is that the mRNA and DNA Covid vaccines have much more severe side effects than flu vaccines and thus must be held to a much higher standard.
Which they have no hope of meeting.
The war is over. The (mRNA) vaccines lost. The only question is when how many more people will be harmed before governments surrender.
Cite: WHO says Boosters are unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable. A vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.
Now let’s look at the Danish Case Study:
This chart tracks the number of patients hospitalized for Covid in Denmark since vaccines became available in December 2020. Denmark is one of the world’s most highly vaccinated countries. Roughly 95 percent of Danes over 12 are vaccinated, and almost two-thirds are boosted. Denmark is also going through an unprecedented Omicron outbreak (more to come on that very soon).
The chart breaks down the hospitalizations by vaccine status. Dark blue is fully vaccinated, light blue is unvaccinated. Yes, the unvaccinated make up more than their share of the population. We know this.
But remember: IN LIBERAL, SUPER-HIGHLY VACCINATED COUNTRIES LIKE DENMARK, VACCINE HESITANCY IS NOT A THING, NOT IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY. The unvaccinated elderly are unvaccinated largely because they cannot be. Being unvaccinated is a MARKER for sickness. Of course the unvaccinated are disproportionately likely to be hospitalized for Covid.
So ignore the three-card monte game public health authorities and the media have played since the summer, when it became clear the vaccines did not stop infection or transmission. Forget relative rate ratios.
Look instead at the WHOLE chart, how the trend of hospitalizations has changed over the last 13 months. Human biology is the same everywhere. In the spring and summer, the vaccines worked. Cases fell almost to zero. A miracle of biotechnology.
But the miracle - the dubious miracle of vaccine-generated spike protein antibodies - did not last.
By September, vaccine protection was waning. The dark blue line (vaccinated) grew thicker relative to the light blue line, though that failure was masked by a general decline in cases after the summer wave.
Then, in mid-October (2021-week 41), a new wave began. The vaccines did nothing to stop it. Once Omicron hit, hospitalizations accelerated exponentially.
Now Denmark - 95 percent adult vaccinated, 65 percent boosted Denmark - HAS MORE COVID HOSPITALIZATIONS NOW THEN IT DID BEFORE A SINGLE DANE RECEIVED A SINGLE MRNA VACCINE. AND THE VAST MAJORITY OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE VACCINATED. Even boosters have done nothing to reverse the trend. The dark blue line now is about to pass the peak of the light blue line from last year.
As I said at when the first winter spike data came out, watch the pattern continue as COVID-19, much like the flu is a seasonal virus.
If that’s vaccine success, I’d hate to see failure.
I know the screen is dirty, ignore that. And yes I know its in Danish.
New Evidence #4: Natural Immunity continues to win over mRNA vaccines
"The vaccine doesn't protect you from covid, it does however, protect you from governmental oppression. At least for now..."
"Australia does not need a no covid strategy, Australia needs a no oppression strategy."
Which side of history do you want to be on... sympathizing with the oppressor or standing up for your basic human rights?
mRNA vaccine protection from Covid is far weaker than natural immunity and declines very fast, according to a new study of almost 6 million people in Israel.
During the summer Covid wave, more than 140,000 Israelis who had been vaccinated but not received a booster shot became infected with Covid. Put another way, in just two months, about 1 out of every 20 vaccinated Israelis became infected with Sars-Cov-2.
Natural immunity - the protection following infection and recovery - lasts much longer, the study shows.
In fact, people who had already had Covid once had better protection from the virus more than a year later than people who had been vaccinated only three months before.
The gap was even larger in cases of severe infection.
Vaccinated people were more than five times as likely to develop severe infections than people with natural immunity. Only 25 out of roughly 300,000 Israelis with natural immunity developed severe Covid infections in the summer wave - compared to almost 1,400 vaccinated Israelis.
The difference did not result from gaps in age between vaccinated and recovered people. People over 60 benefited even more from natural immunity relative to vaccination than did younger people.
The study also showed that giving people who had natural immunity a vaccine dose did little to lower rates of infection for them, raising the question of why they should ever be vaccinated.
Finally, the study offered a disturbing signal that vaccination may ultimately interfere with the development of lasting immunity in people who are infected after being vaccinated.
A booster shot did lower the risk of infection about to the level of peak protection from natural immunity - but because the study ended in September, it is impossible to know how long that protection may last.
All these findings come out of a database of Covid infections among almost 6 million Israelis in August and September, at the peak of the fourth Covid wave in Israel. The database contains information on essentially every Israeli over age 16 who was fully vaccinated or had previously had a Covid infection.
The paper, “Protection and waning of natural and hybrid COVID-19 immunity,” is currently available as a reprint at:
Oddly, the paper’s title does not mention waning of vaccine immunity, although the figures it presents make the severity of the problem clear. Such shyness is common among researchers presenting bad news about Covid vaccines - they will offer the data, but not highlight it.
Israel has exclusively used the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, began mass vaccinations before almost any other country, and has an excellent health care database. As a result, it has among the best information on the effectiveness of the shots. It offers far more complete data than the United States.
The vaccine failure over the summer in Israel - following apparent success in the spring - has presaged a similar pattern across the United States and Europe, and a similar desperate campaign for boosters.
In this paper, the researchers examined infection rates among five different groups of Israelis - those with natural immunity, those who had received boosters, those who were vaccinated but had not received boosters, those with natural immunity who had also received a vaccine, and those who had become infected after being vaccinated.
The researchers specifically excluded unvaccinated Israelis without natural immunity from the comparison because Israel has very few of them and they are “unrepresentative of the overall population.”
In other words, the researchers explicitly denied the validity of the comparison that vaccine advocates make when they compare Covid rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated people in places with high vaccination rates (a point I have been trying to make for months).
The researchers found that the highest rates of infection by far came in people who had been vaccinated at least six months before. They had a nearly 3 percent chance of being infected per month (the researchers present the figure as 89 per 100,000 “person-days.”)
Those people were four times as likely to be infected as newly vaccinated people. They were also seven times as likely to be infected as people who had natural immunity from an infection six to eight months before, and three times as likely as those who had natural immunity from an infection more than a year before.
A single vaccination dose in people with natural immunity temporarily produced strong protection, the researchers found. But after six months, the advantage had faded to within the margin of statistical error. In other words, so-called hybrid immunity hardly appeared to exist after six months - natural immunity was once again providing the protection.
Nor did vaccination appear to stop severe disease.
Nearly every case of severe disease in the database - almost 1,400 of the roughly 1,600 cases - came in vaccinated but unboosted people. Boosters did appear to reduce severe disease significantly. Again, though, the study covered less than two months after the booster program began, when boosters should be at peak effectiveness.
Finally, the study showed that people who had been vaccinated and then been infected and recovered were actually more likely to be infected again six months later than those who had only “pure” natural immunity.
That finding, though based on a small number of cases, adds to worrying data that mRNA vaccination may actually wrong-foot our immune systems in the long run and make it harder to build lifelong protection against Covid.
Ask yourself why Pfizer’s chief executive officer would be MORE negative about his company’s vaccine and future boosters than the public health authorities and the media blue checks. Here’s a hint: not because Pfizer has a history of honest and ethical behaviour to uphold.
Conclusion: If you choose to ignore the science, and continue to get vaccinated you are:
1. Endangering your life
2. Perpetuating 'the pandemic'
3. Increasing the risks of vulnerable individuals
4. Contributing towards increased central control and government restriction tightening
5. Standing against basic human rights
Say no more to tyranny.
New Evidence #5: Adverse Events Continue to rise. Why are we letting this happen?
New research has just emerged showing significant increases in cardiovascular events following injections of experimental mRNA COVID jabs.
"We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination."
It's important to note that this study does not have a control arm and so cannot be used to infer causality, however I believe the results which were presented require monitoring going forward.
The cardiologist Dr. Flemming explains why we should care about these results:
New Evidence #6: China doesn’t trust the current mRNA vaccines
In November 2021, the Chinese announced that they had supposedly begun trials on their own mRNA vaccine. No one seems to have any idea when those trials will be finished, but they have the effect of resetting the clock and giving the blue check geniuses at places like the FT a way to pretend that the Chinese are moving aggressively ahead with their own mRNA.
Of course, given that Covid has essentially been non-existent in China since February 2020, maybe the scientists in the People’s Republic know something the rest of us don’t.
Nah! That’s impossible. They’d definitely tell us, right?
Natural immunity for the win yet again:
A new report in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds more good news for unvaccinated people who have already had and recovered from Covid. Anti-spike protein antibodies following Covid infection and recovery seem to persist indefinitely in unvaccinated people, researchers found. People tested 20 months after coronavirus infection had slightly higher levels of antibodies on average than those just after infection.
What remains unclear is how long-term immunity in people who have been vaccinated, lost their artificial immunity, and become infected will compare to those who were infected and recovered without being vaccinated.
Conclusion: Stop making friends with sheep. Make friends with lions.
DO NOT COMPLY. Do not be coerced, bribed, blackmailed, shamed, guilted, manipulated, or intimidated into complying. Civil disobedience is necessary. Businesses and patrons need to rally together to defy this tyranny.
Call your friends, speak out, be courageous. If you are awake, you have an obligation of responsibility to help your fellow humans even if that means your family.
There are no absolute truths with COVID. There are just facts that change as time passes. As time evolves, facts change and what was controversial now becomes reality.
A great quote from Doc. “Don't handicap your life by making it easy. You don’t overcome challenges by making them smaller but by making yourself bigger by thinking deeper. The more obstacles you navigate the stronger you become. Difficulties strengthen our minds, as labour does the body. Every set-back provides us with it the seeds of a come-back.”
The Shifting Narrative of Vaccine Efficacy
More than 1,000 Aussies file for vaccine injury
COVID-19 Symposium Video:
Government agenda behind COVID-19
Natural Immunity protects from severe COVID-19 reinfection:
Dr. Fleming – Pfizer Injection effects on human blood
Frontline Workers Telegram Group
COVID-19 The Movie
First dose of Pfizer is disastrous
Myocarditis Adverse Events for men under 40
Medical and Legal routs to stopping vaccine rollout