Light and Circadian Biology #5 - Dr. Peter Gariaev and COVID-19

This blog is dedicated to Dr. Peter Gariaev, a genius physicist and molecular biologist who died in 2020.

Today we will discuss:

  • Light and its role in DNA expression

  • CRISPR gene editing technology and how it is based on an old model of molecular biology

  • How electromagnetic radiation can turn on the Coronavirus and why the vaccine may not be a good idea

  • Dr. Gariaev’s greatest scientific contributions

  • The electromagnetics of language and words

  • How light is crucial for stem cell therapy


Let’s begin…

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev (Dr. Peter Gariaev) showed that the living organisms’ genetic information is unified in a ‘chromosome continuum’. What does this mean? The genetic information travels like a stable wave-train throughout the organism along the highly ordered geometric structure of the DNA molecule. This genetic information is imprinted into our intracellular water networks leaving an electromagnetic fingerprint for the cell to read. This quasi-crystalline gel state of water stores the genetic information in the form of electromagnetic and acoustic holograms, which he recognised as the true source of the blueprints of life and biological function. The highly coherent photon emissions spectrum of this electromagnetic holographic code can be captured using a broadband laser. This electromagnetic interference pattern which is given off can be store or transmitted. Meaning that genetic information can be transmitted or teleported through 'light over any distance.

The implications of this are vast. What would the world look like if this knowledge and technology were used for harm? Planes could fly over farmland and provide genetic modification signals to the crops below (this happens). DNA and RNA altering viruses would be able to be turned on and off electromagnetically from a distance (this likely happens too). Specifically, targeted mutations could be stimulated remotely to people who don’t do what they are told (this may happen in the future). And so on…

But this technology can certainly be used for benevolent purposes too. When holographic information of healthy organs and tissues can be projected onto unhealthy ones, remarkable healing can take place. This has been proven in experiments with rats (see citations). Detecting and capturing the Biophotonic emissions of someone who is unwell and subsequently loading them with the wavelengths of light in which they are deficient could be the future of light medicine. But what would this mean for pharmaceuticals? What would this mean for vaccines? What would this mean for the entire healthcare paradigm we currently live within? They would no longer be in business… So, will they let this happen?

The outdated and incomplete model/understanding of molecular genetics and gene modification will likely always lead to severe consequences and possibly irreversible damage. Molecular genetics and gene modification completely ignore the quantum optical and wave linguistic principles of DNA which Dr. Gariaev shows is fundamental to understanding DNA and its expression. I will discuss the linguistic genetic theory of Dr. Gariaev later in this blog.

Have you heard of the CRISPR gene editing technology? The scientific community believe this technology will hold the key for extending life, slowing aging, purifying our species of imperfections and altering genes to ensure favourable survival and disease reversal. However, this technology is based off the old model of molecular genetics. As the famous Dutch Biophotonics researcher, Roeland Van Wijk put it, “Light shapes life”. In fact, he even named his book along the same lines as this famous quote. If you haven’t read his book, I suggest you take a look. It illustrates exactly how light shapes life. If the electromagnetic spectrum under which this gene editing is going on is not considered, an untold number of possibilities could be the outcome.

CRISPR, The Medical Model and the current Health Care Paradigm are focusing on the nuclear genome. This is not where 95% of all diseases come from. In fact, they come from the mitochondrial genome. Yes, we have 2 genomes! The genome of mitochondria looks like viral DNA (ring rather than a double helix). The mitochondrial DNA has about 37 genes and is essential for human life. There are 14 quadrillion Mitochondria in the body.

Since we are talking about genetic modification, let’s talk about the COVID-19 vaccine. This RNA vaccine is designed to alter the expression of our genome. Remember what we talked about before regarding DNA and RNA being activated at a distance via an electromagnetic signal? Could this apply to a novel virus like SARS-COV2? Yep. So, if our body already contains a multitude of viruses, they can not only be activated by a weakened immune system but by a specifically targeted signal. It is suspected that 23.5Ghz and 26Ghz are being used to do exactly this.

Remember, viruses are how we make new genes! Nature tells us that viruses are good because human DNA are made of 98% HERV retroviruses.

The human genome continues to collect viruses as we evolve, so we can survive the local environment into the future. Viruses are essential parts of our human DNA, so why vaccinate against it exogenously via vaccine? Wouldn’t it be wise to improve the immune system, limit non-native electromagnetic signals which could activate them and allow your body to develop the antibodies and immunity to the virus itself?

Coronavirus is similar to The HIV Virus in that they use POSITIVELY CHARGED ‘Spike Glycoproteins’ to attach to S1 and S2 receptors, which are fused to the cell membrane of the infected cell.

Therefore, introducing substances with high NEGATIVE CHARGE can inhibit the ability of the ‘Spike Glycoproteins’, created by the virus, to bind to the receptor sites which lead to damaged cells.

Highly Negatively Charged Substances:

  • Carboxyl and Sulfur Groups are highly negative. (onions and garlic)

  • Chondroitin Sulfate (this was used in 1998 for HIV treatment)

  • Umbilical mesenchymal stem cells (tissues can repair and regenerate)

  • Fermented Colostrum via the formation of GCMF.

  • Mushroom Extract

  • Vitamin C

  • Various Chinese Herbs

  • A note for the clinicians out there: On labs I look for Neutrophils of 6 mcL or more, to determine if viruses are present.

Hopefully the above will illuminate you to the fact that viruses are a hugely important part of life and not to be solved with a vaccine or gene editing or both. I heard a guy talking on the beach yesterday saying, “I can’t wait to take the vaccine and then things will get back to normal”. There is no ‘back to normal’, we are in a new reality and taking the vaccine is certainly not the portal to going back to ‘normal life’. I am reminded of a quote: “if you want to save the world, you better like it the way it is”.

Getting back to Dr. Gariaev…

He was pronounced dead last month from a brain oedema at age 79. He was known to be of excellent health. Many are concerned that his passing was unusual.

Just a few weeks before his death he received a letter notifying him that his research has been nominated for a Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2021. Hopefully his work can carry on inspiring others to continue where he left off.

He was a pioneer of life sciences and as an independent researcher he could not have died at a more critical and precarious moment than now with the COVID-19 pandemic to be solved. Dr. Gariaev’s last article he published before his death was dedicated to the question “What is the appropriate response to fighting COVID-19?” He was convinced that the quantum biological approach would offer much more effective tools and safe immunisation without side-effects, based on a wholistic restoration of communication on all levels in the biome. Dr. Gariaev’s research was studied by universities world-wide and gaining traction.

The electromagnetics of language

Dr. Gariaev established the study of ‘Linguistic Wave Genetics’, literally meaning the resonance of human language and the genome. He postulates that DNA can be coded by language or words. His studies demonstrated that there is a direct correlation between the genetic code and the structure of language or words. In 2019 Dr. Gariaev postulated that human DNA had a multidimensional aspect to it, meaning it can be coded by electromagnetic means to function differently. We can extend this further to epigenetics with an understanding of light and mitochondrial function. As the electromagnetic signal changes, so does the free radical signal which the mitochondria produce. This means all electromagnetic and acoustic signals influence our cells in an intimate way.

Both of these concepts sound a bit out there for the every-day mind… but, Dr. Gariaev was a pretty switched on bloke. Much of his research comes off the back of the two pioneers of quantum mechanics Albert Einstein and Max Planc. As well as Dr. Alexander Gurwitsch who discovered the biophoton. Dr. Vlail P Kaznacheev and Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp who demonstrated photonic communication between cells. Meanwhile, Dr. Alexander V Trofimov who created ‘The Hypo-magnetic chamber’ which brings a new understanding to consciousness, space and time. Roeland Van Wijk and many more geniuses of their time.

There is life in every word, coming from divine consciousness. To put this practically with an easy to understand example let’s use poor communication and swear words as an example. When you use swear words, when you speak lazily, muffled or are not clear with your point, these are electromagnetic signals carrying energy and information to not only others DNA and cells but to your own. This brings a whole new implication for your health and the way you talk doesn’t it?

Me personally, I have always felt horrible about using swear words. Sure, it adds emphasis, or seems cool or sometimes feels appropriate for extreme situations; but there are cellular health implications to this expression. I thought it wise to be clear and authentic with words and how they are said. Communicate with kindness and intelligence. Share yourself in the way you would like to be received. The phrase ‘The way you speak on the outside is the way you speak on the inside’ has a whole new meaning now that you are aware of linguistic wave genetics.

It is December 2020 and people are writing their New Year’s resolutions. Why not join me in one by saying 2021 will be a swear-free year, where you communicate high quality electromagnetic signals to your genome and watch the transformation in your internal world and external world.

A quick note on ‘Stem Cells’ and ‘Stem Cell Therapy’ before we wrap up.

Natural stem cell activation takes place under optimal electromagnetic conditions. This means many types of stem cell therapies which are performed indoors, under artificial light or exposed to non-native electromagnetic radiation and fields will impede the stem cell activation and growth. Stem cell science has come a long way, but they have forgotten about the environment in which a stem cell optimally expresses itself transforming into a specifically functional cell. Scientists and engineers are working towards creating light devices which can assist with this, but they are just trying to copy how nature does it. If you skip that step and just use the electromagnetic exposure which nature gives to all life, this can solve the problem.

For those who are thinking about stem cell therapy or have just undergone stem cell therapy, the best results are obtained if done during summer. This strong native electromagnetic signature from the sun acts like nanoscopic tweezers to develop the stem cell into its desired output. The sun contains 52% Red and infrared light. This light is specifically important for stem cell activation and its dominance in our terrestrial sun is a testament to how all life has thrived on our beautiful blue planet.

 Some practical takeaways:

  • Light shapes life more than you’d like to know.

  • Your light environment is critical for controlling the genome.

  • Stem cell therapy is best done in summer recovering under the sun’s power.

  • Speak wisely and connect with others meaningfully.

  • Don’t wait for CRISPR technology, medical machines, super advanced technologies or magic pills to solve your health issues. Take charge of your health today by knowing yourself and your body and what you need. It’s Now You!

  • Step out of your house, jump out of your car, escape from your hypoxic/chemical-filled/plastic-infused home environment and plug back into nature. This will fix all cellular communication systems.

  • Touch mother earth – It is covered in a blanket of electrons, tap into the infinite electron source signalling the best antioxidant and anti-inflammatory process.

  • Pull weeds in your garden barefoot (still important if you have diabetes, just be careful not to cut/scratch yourself)

  • Touch a running stream – the water in a stream flowing past has extraordinary electric potential and the ions from the environment can be absorbed by the human body though the skin.

  • Breathe healthy air, let the children go outside and teach them how to grow food

  • Get reengaged with your food system and with nature

  • The imperfection is not within you, it’s in your environment.

We can heal everything!




Herbs which can help:

What is Foundational Health – A history up until today:

Light on Rats Experiment

Dr. Peter Gariaev:

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